Steaming for Sumner: The Cathedrals Express raises money for 11 year old cancer patient

11 year old Sumner Malik, of Warninglid near Horsham, has inspired a huge campaign to raise £100,000 to fund a course of treatment which could save his life.
Sumner, who has been diagnosed with a Diffuse Pontine Glioma (DIPG) brain tumour, is receiving a new treatment that is not yet available on the NHS, meaning that his condition can be cured. His family is organising a number of fund-raising events to help pay for his treatment, including a joint campaign with Surrey-based steam train tour operator, Steam Dreams.

Sumner Malik (right) pictured with Steam Dreams Chairman, and lucky winner of the headboard auction with his prize

The company has announced that 20% of any new ticket sales on its Cathedrals Express steam train trip from Horsham and Surrey on Wednesday 26 April to Bath and Bristol will go towards Sumner’s total.
The Cathedrals Express will start out from Horsham at around 08.00, diesel-hauled, and stop at stations along the way, before the magnificent Battle of Britain Class 34052 Lord Dowding joins the train in London for the remainder of the journey to Bath and Bristol and return.
Marcus Robertson, Chairman of Steam Dreams and personal friend of the Malik family commented; ‘Sumner and his father, Camron, have played cricket against my son and I for many years so I was keen to find a way to help them.” He added “We hope that the trip will raise awareness of Sumner’s plight and of course help raise the necessary funds for his treatment. We are also delighted that Sumner and his family will be joining us on-board the train as our guests.”

For this fabulous trip to Bristol and Bath, run in association with Sunshine 4 Sumner, passengers can travel in one of four classes, ranging from Premium Standard at £109 where they are seated at tables for four, with white tablecloths and complimentary tea and coffee at their seats, right up to Pullman Style Dining at £249 per person, where they enjoy a champagne breakfast on the outward journey and a delicious five course dinner on the return. When booking passengers are asked to quote “Steaming for Sumner”, to ensure 20% of their ticket price (included in the price) is donated to the charity.
During the trip, there will be an on-board auction to give away The Cathedrals Express headboard, with all money raised going to Sumner’s treatment. Steam Dreams is also donating four Pullman Style Dining tickets and four Premier Dining tickets for the trip on 26 April, to be auctioned on the Sumner’s website.

Post-trip update: The Cathedrals Express raised £3,000 for Sumner Malik’s treatment, from ticket sales, the auction, and donations from passengers on the day.

Anyone interested in travelling on The Cathedrals Express should call the booking office on 01483 209888 or visit For further information on the Sunshine 4 Sumner Campaign, visit .