Comments on: Quickie: Improving training?/2021/08/08/quickie-improving-training/Making Lives More WonderfulSun, 08 Aug 2021 17:06:53 +0000hourly1 allygill/2021/08/08/quickie-improving-training/#comment-113966Sun, 08 Aug 2021 17:06:53 +0000/?p=6096#comment-113966In reply to flowchainsensei.

When I was in that position I’ve never booked training for others that wasn’t requested. I’m now in a situation where a computer books my training for me. Which quite frankly is even more ludicrous than a training manager doing it!

By: flowchainsensei/2021/08/08/quickie-improving-training/#comment-113965Sun, 08 Aug 2021 16:49:00 +0000/?p=6096#comment-113965In reply to allygill.

Thanks for responding – and agreed. My apologies for an ambiguous question. I had in mind employers (my target audience) who book training for others.

By: allygill/2021/08/08/quickie-improving-training/#comment-113963Sun, 08 Aug 2021 16:14:19 +0000/?p=6096#comment-113963I don’t need better training opportunities. I don’t need to be trained – you train dogs. I need better learning opportunities. I learn (so do dogs but probably for different reasons and outcomes)
